The sky was full of dark clouds, wide spread infinitely. After sometime it started raining heavily. Pitter patter sound of the rain began to create a very rhythmic music. Everything around was washed, feeling fresh and full of life and colors. In less than one hours the roads were splashy. The water was flowing with speed on the roads as if to reach in the open holes and seep into the soil surface. It was making nearby places to puddles, where children were happy to smudge their clothes and feet in mud.
Subsequently rain stopped rainbow appeared in the sky. Beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, full of colors. Clouds disappeared; a little sunshine was there. When I was a little girl, my grandpa used to tell me that rainbow was a swing made of colors on clouds by the Universe, to give the hope and anticipation that everything is ok.
According to NCERT there are three primary colors in vibgyor and the remaining are secondary.
The three primary colors are red, green, and blue.
All the other colors mixture of two or more colors.
There are number of colors which are made from mixing of other colors.
When there is no color it’s white and when all the three basic colors are present it’s black.
The different hues in the rainbow represents different characteristics of human personality. The colors of rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Red indicates energy, passion, desire and adventure in life. It symbolizes courage, action, self-assurance and confidence.
Orange indicates sunshine warmth and healing, healing for the sufferers both physical and mental. Spiritual healing of the soul and mind. It represents energy, health, joy, freedom, happiness, success, spirituality, accomplishment, encouragement and fun.
Yellow indicates warmth, the Sun, the life giver to all the living organisms. It connects with warmth, spirituality, meditation, humbleness, calmness, positivity, happiness, optimism, friendship, loyalty, commitment, faithfulness, trustworthiness and honesty.
Green is for greenery, the nature, plants and all types of vegetation. It connects us with calmness, peace, fertility, growth, freshness, smoothness, richness, fruitfulness, productiveness and lushness.
Blue indicates ocean, sea, sky and vastness. It represents calmness, spirituality, tranquility and peace. Give soothing effects to our mind.
Indigo represents the family of navy-blue colors. It indicates harmony, spirituality, upliftment, awakening, developing, caring, togetherness, emergence and responsibility.
Violet represents all the colors that fall in the family of purple. It connects us with spirituality, royalty, dignity, peace, glory, magnificence, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, kingliness, queenliness and regality.
The colors of rainbow are known as VIBGYOR the reverse of roygbiv.
The seven alphabets in VIBGYOR refer to various qualities of human being.
V- VIOLET – Virtuous (morally excellent), versatile (flexible, adaptable)
I-INDIGO- Illustrious (notably or brilliantly outstanding), Industrious (hardworking)
B-BLUE- Benevolent (tender hearted), Balmy (calm)
G-GREEN- Grateful (gratuitous), Generous (kind)
Y-YELLOW- Yielding(flexible)
O-ORANGE- Optimistic (feeling or showing hope for the future).
R-RED- Resilient (tending to recover from or adjust easily to change), Respectful (admiring).
All the colors give us hope and uplift our moods and souls.
Different hues play different roles in our lives. Our life passes through many stages, different hues depict different phases of life.